Seller Pricing Guidelines

With the Assistant Pro Community, Sellers have the opportunity to set their own pricing within a minimum and recommended price range depending on the asset(s) being sold. This ensures our Sellers are focused on providing quality work, and earning a fair value in tandem. We thoroughly encourage you to do your own market analysis on setting prices in order to remain competitive with the industry. Below, you'll find helpful information, tips, and guidelines for pricing.

Pricing Recommendations

  • Do your design research - design research can be extremely helpful in making sure you're on the up and up with the latest web design trends and popular design styles.
  • Do your market research - check out other popular platforms selling assets similar to what you'll be offering and take note of the pricing that you see.
  • Consider your time and effort - when pricing, you should always consider how much time it took you to design, implement, and publish your asset(s).

Pricing Range Guidelines

  • Full Website Template Library - i.e all page templates (Home, About, Pricing, etc.), colors, website parts/assets
    • Suggested price range of $100 - $500
    • Minimum price of $20
  • Landing Page Template Library - i.e. niche based landing pages (Sales, Marketing, etc.), colors, page parts/assets
    • Suggested price range of $50 - $150/landing page
    • Minimum price of $10
  • Specialty Landing or Content Page Library - i.e. specialized pages (Sales Funnel, Sign-up/Membership pages, color, page/parts/assets
    • Suggested price range of $50 - $150/landing page
    • Minimum price of $5

Seller Commissions

Premium subscription holders that opt to sell libraries in the Assistant Pro Community are eligible to receive a 60% cut of sales.

Sellers will be required to setup an account with the payment gateway, Stripe. Sellers will be able to track all sales, payments, and various other data via their Stripe Dashboard. Payments from sales made via Assistant Pro Community occur monthly.

Sellers are solely responsible for the payment of any and all taxes that may be incurred as a result of sales made via the Assistant Pro Community. FastLine Media LLC has no obligation to pay or withhold any sums for those taxes.